
Hi, I’m Miven and welcome to my Art Blog and thank you for visiting. I post my illustrations, sketches and occasionally some other things here.


Please do not repost, edit or distribute my art on other websites without permission. Thank you.


Haruka from Blue Archive

I apologise for the delay of completing this drawing, I was not happy with how it looked once I started colouring it so I redrew part of it till I was satisfied. This is my first uploaded drawing of a character from Blue Archive, overall I think it turned out nice in the end. I was undecided on which character to draw from Blue Archive, since there are quite a few characters I like but I think Haruka deserves some attention.

I have an update on my current situation I would like to share, I prefer to try to keep my art posts positive but in this case it is a bit mixed, I will leave it to the end in the ‘continue reading section’.

I was not happy with my line art as it looked incorrect once I started the colouring part, in particular her arms and hands appeared, my lack of practice is having a negative impact. The colouring worked out fine once the line art was corrected, Haruka has a very purple colour scheme which was something different to practice with.

Thank you for your support everyone, I am aware that this illustration has not been well received across the channels, this is something I will need to reflect upon to find out why and look to improve. I will be looking at continuing to draw characters from Blue Archive as I like the series, but similar to my Dragalia Lost and Pokemon drawings, I need to rethink how I approach these drawings and how I present the characters.

My next drawing will be someone from a manga and anime, hopefully it will be not as difficult to complete as this drawing, I will try my best on this. I will try to complete it for next week, please look forward to it.

Continue reading



Edelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses

I am happy how this illustration turned out, this is my first larger drawing in a while and hopefully will be the first of many. I previously took a break from drawing Three Houses characters because it started to feel repetitive and drawing their uniforms was becoming less fun. I plan on drawing more characters from the Fire Emblem series, maybe from the GBA and GC/Wii games, and of course Fire Emblem Engage once I have played the game for a while.

This drawing was in a sketch limbo since last July, it may have been a good idea to leave it till now, since being able to look at it later allowed me to adjust and balance the final drawing better, and it gave me more time to work on the colouring. Overall I am happy how this illustration came together, the line art took a bit longer than I hoped but the colouring was generally without any major problems. The lack of drawing practice overall the past two years has had a negative impact on my skill competence, I have been practicing these past few weeks to restore it so I can continue on working on improving.

Thank you everyone for your support and positive feedback, I appreciate it very much. I hope to be able to return to at least a completing a drawing each week. I will try my best. Since I currently have a little bit more flexibility than I had in many years, I hope to experiment and try a few different approaches to what I have been drawing.

My next drawing was to be someone from Dragalia Lost, unfortunately I have not been happy with what I have worked on so far and I will be looking to start on trying again, for now I have put it on hold to practice and think about how to approach it better. My next drawing will be someone from Blue Archive, hopefully it works out.

Till next time

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable New Years.

May 2023 be a good year for everyone.

Thank you for your support for 2022, it had may ups and downs but I have successfully graduated from university with a postgraduate degree. I apologise that I did not finish a drawing for New Years, I will try to finish a drawing for Chinese New Year.

My keyword for this year is “growth”.

I will be building my own path this year, there will be many unknowns for me but I will try my best. I will be looking for employment and I will be dedicated to continuing to focus on drawing and improving my illustrations. I hope that I will be able to grow as a person and as an illustrator this year. Let us try our best.

Thank you for your support.

Till next time

2022 Summary

Hello everyone, sorry I will not have an art summary for this year as I have not completed many illustrations. I will write a few thoughts and reflections for this year, thank you for your time.

I have completed 7 illustrations this year and it is difficult to have a proper evaluation if I have improved this year. While looking at some of my illustration from this year, I think the colouring looks a little bit better, I will continue to work on improving this.

I would like to say thank you to everyone for your support this year. I have not posted much this year, much like last year, but I am glad for the positive support and appreciate it very much. I will work harder next year to improve and complete more illustrations.

This year has been very busy, challenging and sometimes discouraging for me. Most of the year was spent on course related studying, coursework and major projects, and other challenges. It has been difficult to make time to work on personal projects but I hope I will be able to turn it around since I have graduated from my studies.

There have been a few highlights for me, I enjoyed Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and I recently watched Bocchi the Rock, which I liked very much. Next year I will hopefully be able to spend some time on a few hobbies and this will help me with my illustrations. I have been thinking about what and how I want to draw in the future, I will work hard to find a path for myself.

2022 has been a bad year for me and managed to be worse than 2021. 2023 will be a year of uncertainty and unknowns for me, I will try my best to navigate it.

Thank you reading this and thank you for your time.

Till next time



Fleur from Dragalia Lost

Fleur is one of my favourite characters from Dragalia Lost, this is my second drawing of her, while it is a smaller scale illustration I am happy that I was able to try to draw her again. It has been many months since I have been able to sit down and drawing properly, it was uplifting that I was able to do so. As I mentioned in my post many months ago, while Dragalia Lost has finished, I may continue to try to draw characters from this game as I like many of them.

I am happy how this drawing turned out, this drawing took me an afternoon and an evening to draw, I think this was relatively good timeframe as this is a portrait drawing and I have had previous experience in drawing Fleur so I did not have the problems of figuring out how her hair or clothing worked which saved me time. The colouring worked out better this time, maybe because it is lighter colours, I am still working on finding a colouring method that I am satisfied with and is something that I will continue to work on to improve.

I would like to say thank you to everyone for your support and the kind messages, I appreciate it and it has helped me very much. It once again has been many months since my last drawing and it is encouraging to know you like my illustrations. I would like to apologise again for being inactive online though I had planned and stated to resume from the end of November. I hope to continue to create more illustrations as I can.

I am feeling burnt out but I should be okay starting next year. I have formally finished my studies and graduated earlier this month, it has been a challenging two years and I am relieved that I have successfully completed it but I am also worried about what I will be able to do in the future. I will try my best with future challenges.

I will unlikely be able to complete a drawing for new years but I will write a 2022 summary in the next couple of days. For future drawings, I plan on trying to finish a Fire Emblem drawing from earlier this year and a Dragalia Lost drawing that I was working on last month, both of these will be finished in January. Thank you for your understanding.

Till next time


Mitsuba from Dragalia Lost

Mitsuba is one of my favourite characters from Dragalia Lost and I am glad that I could draw her. It is sad that the game is ending soon but I have had fun over the years. This drawing was intended as a warm up to return to drawing but my studies are resuming next month and I may need to put everything on hold again.

I am happy how it turned out, it has been a few months since I had the opportunity and time to focus on a drawing, it is a good feeling. I had some trouble drawing the frills but the line art worked out well once I had the basic layout set. Overall the colouring looks nice, it is something that I need to continue to work on to improve.

Thank you for your support everyone, I appreciate it very much, especially since it has been many months since my last drawing. It is encouraging to know that you enjoy my illustrations. Though sadly Dragalia Lost is finished (maybe they might have something in the future), I may continue to try to draw characters from this game as I like many of them.

I would like to apologise again for being inactive online, last semester was very busy and it was not possible to make time for anything meaningful outside of study as the coursework was demanding. I tried to work on the idea of small simple drawings to keep things moving but it felt rather empty and I was not happy with it.

I finished the semester in mid June and have been working on preparation for next semester as well, I am burnt out from it all. It is frustrating that I do not have the flexibility or time to improve the situation. Fortunately with more hard work, this will be over by the end of year and I can hopefully have the opportunity to work on better things.

On a more positive note, I managed to fit in some time during this semester break to play and complete Kirby and the Forgotten Land, I enjoyed it very much. The game was fun to play, the world was interesting, music was uplifting, and the characters were great. I would like to drawing something about this game in the future.

I tried another attempt at the Fire Emblem drawing from earlier this year and it has worked out much better, however, I would like to spend some proper time on it without rushing it before the next semester starts so it may not be complete till November, it is what it is.

I am not sure how busy the next months will be but if it possible, I will try to finish some drawings. Thank you for your understanding.

Till next time



Marnie from Pokémon

Sorry for the post delay again, I was thinking about what I should talk about. I have mentioned in posts from last year November my studies for this year will begin around February, it has now started and it appears that it will unfortunately be another very busy semester.

This is a challenging situation, as I would like to have some time to draw and complete an illustration that I am happy with to post online. A possible compromise is to downscale my drawings and try to keep it simple, I will try this for the following week and see how it works out.

For reflection of this illustration, I am happy how it turned out, this is my second drawing of Marnie and I am happy with the improvements I have learnt since then. As with my drawing of Akari, I have went more freestyle with her hair, I think it worked out well. I think the colour also looks good generally, while I am happy with her expression I still need to work on improving poses.

Thank you for your support and kind messages everyone, I appreciate it very much. In my previous posts I mentioned that I would be taking a break from drawing characters from the Pokémon series in general and focus on improving in other areas of how I compose my drawings, this does not stop me from drawing characters from Pokémon but I will be trying to draw characters from a different series.

I was not happy with the Fire Emblem drawing I was working on previously so it has been put on hold and I will try something different but I have not decided yet, I will try my best to have something ready in the following week.

Till next time